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Into Their Ideal Body, With Minimal Stress

I’m a high school drop out and working at a 9-5 job that I hate.
It's a night like any other nights...
Our family was chilling while the parents were taking a trip to Niagara Falls. Mom and I had a great connection with each other. Even though I flunked out of school she was my biggest fan. No one thought I’d amount to anything except her.
While sitting on the couch I hear the phone ring.
It’s Dad: ‘Your mom is in the hospital. She’s had a heart attack. We don’t know if she’s gonna make it. Come here now.’
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”Dan Go’s plans produce immediate results in a way that can be integrated into a realistic lifestyle which allows you to actually sculpt your body to any degree you wish no matter how general or very ambitious your goals.
Barron LauFounder of Round 5

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